Minha Ilha Paradisíaca

Página dedicada aos dos Santos, aos Matta, aos Machado e aos Alencar Aranha.


V and Bernie,

I and ... are delighted to have you reaching this March 14th united. We thank God you decided to become one and tie ... to ... . We pray that you go forth and keep on building together an everlasting experience of joy.

You are committed to such an engagement that could not fail: You have an appointment with happiness. This goal is meant to be achieved by each one of you + that/those who are expected to join you in this exciting adventure which we wish long and successful.

Now and then you can count on us and God WILL bless you.

We are very pround of you! Congratulation!

So very much sincere,
Israel dos Santos
Enviado por Israel dos Santos em 14/03/2014
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